Rosé (Rrrōh-say)
The Color of Rrrōh-mance
It’s pink wine, with Rrrōh-mance! Are you sexually secure enough to drink pink wine? It’s Spring, people, and you better make sure y’all are well adjusted to the new year, ‘cuz Spring is pink season at Deschain, and you’d better believe it, this ain’t your mama’s white Zin!
Drink the Pink – It’s Science
Lemme tell you why I want you to drink the pink. Or actually, why I want to turn you on to rosé. It turns people on. Kristin had never been a fan of rosé before we went to an all-rosé dinner when we were first dating, and she was super dubious about it (because she had not tried rosé since drinking boxed wine in her early twenties). Many people have the same post-traumatic stress disorder from the sweet rosés that were popularized in America in the 70s. The rosés we are talking about are bone dry with no residual sugar. Kristin was blown away by that dinner, and every vintage of rosé I have made since then has been for her, and with her in mind. I will always make rosé for my Lady, it’s what keeps me off the couch!
Food’s Best Friend
Rosé works with almost every type of food. Rosé can be made bone dry, and rosé can be made as sweet as a dessert wine, and pretty much everywhere in between. Rosé is actually one of the oldest wine types ever made.
The Ultimate Day-Drinker
But before we geek out down the rabbit-hole too far, rosé wine is fun! Especially after its rebranding as a day drinking staple – pool-side in the sun, slope-side watching the bunnies or just outside of camera range on that pesky work Zoom call.
Spring’s Grand Rosé Tour
We are going to celebrate rosé this Spring through the end of April at Deschain by offering specialty flights of some of our favorite styles of rosé from around the globe, starting with Italy, France, Spain and, of course, Texas!
The Dinner That Started It All
We will be hosting our fifth annual Underground Wine + Dine: Rosé Rocks! Spring Wine Pairing Luncheon on March 30, re-creating the all-rosé dinner that won my girl’s heart (boys, I’m gonna do my best to keep you all off the couch)! Should be a ton of fun, and we look forward to having you join us! ‘Til then, we’ll just be swizzling rosé, holding impromptu seminars and small tastings, pairing the pink with all different kinds of treats, all in an effort to show you just how much Rosé Rocks!!!
~ Willem
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